Filming a paraglider with the GoPro HD Hero !

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The Video was filmed with the GoPro HD HERO (see Link for more details).

The Film-Shots:

1.) Telescope-Rod:

GoPro HD Hero Teleskopstiel Most of the shots where made with a telescope-rod where the GoPro HD HERO was mounted.  The GoPro HD Camcorder is then about 1 Meter away from the actor. While take-off the telescope-rod is mounted on the paragliding harness with two carabines and is unfasten during the flight. Then it can be filmed with one hand and the telescope-rod is of course mounted with a rope on the harness.

To assemble the GoPro HD on the rod, you need the GoPro-Adapter for Bicycle (see Link for more Details).

On the following Picture you can see the dimensions of the telescope-rod including the flex-handle-adapter (you can get this at nearly every do-it-yourself store for about 15.-$):
GoPro HD Helmkamera Stange

With the following dimensions (and the 100°-angle) the telescope-rod is not visible in the HD720p Mode. Here some shots, which were filmed with the telescope-rod:

GoPro HD HERO Filmszenen im Überblick

2.) GoPro HD – Helmet:

Helmkamera GoPro HD You can mount the GoPro HD HERO also on your helmet like you can see in the picture on the right side.

If you don´t want to get blured shots – then you should hold your head still for a few seconds.
Here some shots which where filmed with the GoPro HD mounted on the helmet:Helmkamera_GoPro_HD_Hero

3.) Telescope-rod with cross-member

And now a few words to the shots where i am filmed from ahead and where i have both hands on the controls (respectively behind my head :-))

Querstange GoProHD Halterung The Telescope-rod is clamped between the legs. And for the reason of preventing the rod to twist, a small cross-member is mounted on the end of the rod – and during the flight you sit with your legs on the cross-member. Hopefully you can see it in the following picture:

GoPro HD Stange Querstrebe

A last word to the music:

The music is from and of course i bought the music – so that i will not get into a license conflict.

Any Questions to this Video-Tutorial ?

Then please write a comment.

More about the GoPro HD HERO and more applications (Surfen, Biken, Motorsport etc.) , you can see in my other Article on this Blog (it´s in german-language) .

9 thoughts on “Filming a paraglider with the GoPro HD Hero !”

  1. Hey Kai,

    wie Siegmar schon sagt – richtig genial gemacht.
    Echt schön was man mit einer kleinen Helmkamera alles einfangen kann.
    Hast du gut gemacht mit den verschiedenen Einstellungen bzw. Perspektiven!

    Da bekommt man richtig Lust, selbst mal Gleitschirm zu fliegen!

    Weiter so. Gruß Lothar!

  2. Hi Paul,
    mit der r2-Einstellung (720p) hast du den größten Weitwinkel und daher ist auch der Fisheye-Effekt am größten. Weniger stark ist der Fisheye-Effekt mit der 1080p Einstellung. Ich habe mit beiden gefilmt (meistens jedoch mit der 720p)
    Wenn du ein gutes Schnittprogramm hast, kannst du den Fisheye-Effekt auch ein wenig entzerren – ich habe das allerdings nicht gemacht, sondern 1:1 übernommen.
    Gruß Kai

  3. Hi,

    sehr schöne Bilder! Kannst Du mir sagen wo Du die Teleskopstange während der Start und Landephase verstaust?


  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the video, this is a very easy and handful DIY.

    I have a question regarding your camera settings. You seem to get a very good and constant contrast on your video. For some reason, on mine, the contrast keeps changing and you either see the blue/white sky or the ground nice, but never quite booth like in your video. I did read the manual and tried both SPt and Cnt modes but none is satisfactory. Can you share your camera model and settings please ?


  5. Guten !! ich durchfuhre ” parapente ” in der pyrénaen ( frankreich) …Ich filme auch mit gopro HD…Sehr schon landschaft und flug ….Wo ist das ?? Alpin ??..Dank …JCH;


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